Make a Payment
If one of the payment buttons did not work on the previous website pages, you can total your amount and send funds through PayPal or Venmo using [email protected] as the sending account. Be sure to spell the email address correctly!!
Be sure to fill out the amount correctly, add the shipping charges if noted on the product page.
If the delivery address is in Michigan, add 6% sales tax to the total including shipping charges.
If you need assistance with the payment process, contact Ron for Assistance - contact information is below.
I work Monday through Friday 9am to 7pm according to the clock below...Eastern Time
Be sure to fill out the amount correctly, add the shipping charges if noted on the product page.
If the delivery address is in Michigan, add 6% sales tax to the total including shipping charges.
If you need assistance with the payment process, contact Ron for Assistance - contact information is below.
I work Monday through Friday 9am to 7pm according to the clock below...Eastern Time